This past weekend SU London graciously paid for us to go to Stonehenge and Salisbury. Stonehenge, as you may know, is a giant pile of rocks in the middle of nowhere. The rocks themselves, while pretty cool, are not what is that impressive. What's impressive is that men were able to construct Stonehenge 5,000 years ago using 50 ton rocks. The rocks even had joints carved into them to keep them together. You can't go right up to it anymore, and you have to pay to get to the field (SU paid for us), but it is still pretty cool.
Salisbury Cathedral was built in the 13th century and has the tallest spire in all of Britain. It was huge, and once again it is amazing that it was built without any sort of machinery. It also had one of the 4 remaining original copies of the Magna Carta - the document which our Constitution is based on.
Nothing has been too exciting other than that. This coming weekend Rick, Calyn and I are going to Stockholm. I don't really know what there is to do in Stockholm, but I plan on eating a lot of Swedish meatballs.
Check out my new pictures!
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